Outta Pocket - Episode 1 (Web Series)

Writer of this episode
Co-Creator & Co-Executive Producer OF THIS SERIES

Mello boards the plane from Baltimore to Los Angeles. During his plane ride, he gets an idea of how his stay in L.A. will be. Passengers on the plane try his patience, test his boundaries and bring harsh realities of living in LA to his attention.

Star Trek - Franchise 50th Anniversary

Video // Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

2016 marked the 50th Anniversary of the Star Trek franchise. Our goal was to create a tribute video that not only paid homage to notable characters and sayings, but evoked a sense of nostalgia and excitement for the future of the franchise.

"Atlanta" activation at ComplexCon -- Celebrity Engagement

GIF // Twitter and Instagram Stories

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

"Fences" Twitter @Blackbirds Partnership

Static Image // Twitter 

Facilitated a promotional partnership between Twitter’s Black wing of the organization, and the title ‘Fences’.

"Arrival" @TwitterMovies Partnership

VIDEO // Twitter

In the film ‘Arrival’ there is a universal language that consist shapes and points. Pre-production filmmakers worked with a linguistic to create an actual language for the film. In an effort to get additional support from our social partners, we had the linguistic create symbols for the each platform. We crafted a post for Twitter and the pushed it through their film platform on the day of our digital release.

"Jack Reacher" Christmas Sing-along

VIDEO // Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Gearing up for the holiday shopping season, this video was a funny way to engage the holiday crowds in a sing-a-long, and make them think of the film. It was a pre-order asset that did so well organically, that we pushed it in a paid campaign through the holiday to increase product awareness.

"Office Christmas Party" Facebook Live Christmas Tree Burning

VIDEO // Facebook; quick cuts on Instagram and Twitter

This film was released in December, but our window was in March. The comedy has a lot of crazy, out of control moments at an Office Christmas Party. We setup a shoot at an old corporate office, and dressed it up as if it was the back of the building that’s in the movie. The goal was to create a viewing experience that caught the eye of the user scrolling through his/her feed and it ended up being something that and just couldn’t stop watching. We used a unique URL that our target audience would relate to and identify as a part of the joke.

@RingsMovie Facebook Live Announcement

Video // Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Rather than posting the standard image as a tune-in graphic for our Facebook Live panel with the Rings cast and director, I designed a video that played into the theme and scare tactics of the film. The VHS overlay refers to the tape that when passed, kills characters in the movie. Every few seconds the main character, Samara, glitches into the frame.