6 apps that you should've downloaded already
Animoto Video Maker
Calling all creative and video geeks: Animoto Video Maker is an app that guides you through the moviemaking process. Become a pro...or at least produce videos that make it seem like you are.
Type Machine
Hey Android users…ever been in the middle of typing a long email or sending a long text during a heated debate, and you lose the message due to a sudden app crash? SO FRUSTRATING, I know. The Type Machine app pinky promises us that this won’t happen again. The app stores everything that you type, as you type. Old entries are automatically deleted, and you have the ability to blacklist apps that you don’t want to record.
Seriously...you don’t have Spotify yet?!
Whether you’re a music lover and want to listen to your favorite artist's new album on the go, or you want to listen to a curated, ready-made playlist while studying or working out, Spotify’s got you covered.
The free version allows users to listen to artists, albums and playlist on shuffle mode, and enables you to choose ready-made playlists to suit your mood. The Premium version (of which I’m a subscriber) allows users to listen to any song, anywhere, without use of a network and without ad interruptions. Simply put…IT’S AWESOME.
If $10 p/month is a bit pricey for you, there’s a $5 p/month student discount and great long trial period offered for Sprint customers.
This app replaces Songza and the others. Do yourself a favor…download it.
Last Message
Ahhhh! Low battery on your Android, and you’re still out and about? I’ve been there. The app texts, emails, Facebook messages or tweets whoever you want to alert them that you’re battery is running low on juice. No more hearing, “I tried to call you” or “why couldn’t I reach you” from your friends and family.
Yo. Yup...yo. The Yo app is a single communication tool that doesn’t require you to type at all. Developers created the app with one purpose in mind- that ‘yo’ stand for everything all at the same time. For those of you who find it difficult to follow through texting friends and family, this one's for you.
The Wut app allows iPhone users to privately send and receive anonymous group messages to and from friends. Utilizing your lock screen, and your lock screen alone, the app strives to eliminate buried text messages.
Have an app that you love, and needs to be shared. Tweet it to me @imageTRACEY.